Friday, December 09, 2005

First Thought

I believe that adult theological learning supports a person's relationship with the theological liberal arts so they increase their capacity to bridge the gap between truth and practice. Such learning leads to wisdom born of a combination of truth and love.

So I think that adult theological learning supports a person's relationship with God and expands a person's capacity to love and know God as they seek ways to serve the world in Christ's name.

How does your learning support serving the world in Christ's name?


At 10:49 AM, Blogger mark said...

Welcome to the blog world!
I like your first thought.

I think that adult learning can be helpful in living life in the way of Jesus.

of course there are examples of both.

I look forward to future thoughts.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Monk-in-Training said...

I also welcome you, Thought Weaver. And I look forward to further developments of your ideas.

In the last few years I have learned so much about how to do the Gospel rather than just reading it, my life and faith will never be the same. My exposure to the Rule of St. Benedict has totally changed the way I view being a Christian.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger C and G Mom said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Can be a lot of fun and it can leave you vunerable with your thoughts exposed! In fact, bloggin can probably be a great way to grow too if we listen.

Hopefully the "adult" theological learning that I am exposing myself too is broadening my understanding and vision of Christ. I know that it makes me think, question and explore my relationship with God and others. Hopefully it is more than just a head-trip!

At 5:04 PM, Blogger HeyJules said...

Welcome TW! Blogging is an incredible medium to explore our world as it relates to Christ and Christianity.

Right now I am busy soaking up all I can about a religion I put on the back burner of my life for far too long. I'm busy reading, blogging, questioning everyone about everything and it is leaving me with the overwhelming desire to continue down this path - that it truly is worthy of my best effort and my deepest dedication.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger the tentmaker said...

I also welcome you and look forward to your writing. I welcome your visits to my blog as well.

Let me suggest that you activate word recognition on you site to avoid spam and adware postings.


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