Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The embedded Trinity

The Gospel of John makes reference to Jesus saying, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Those three words have long interested me. My interest grew when I learn the Greek for the three words: Roa (Way) Aletheia (Truth) and Zoe (Life.) I call these “the embedded Trinity” for I sense a strong parallel with the traditional Trinitarian persons of Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier. I see the parallel is Roa as Spirit, Aletheia as Christ, and Zoe as Creator. Roa guide the way to sanctification. Aletheia literally means “undisclosed” (revealed) within our human condition. Zoe is Creator-Life (notice that zoology holds zoe as its etymological root.

I call them embedded for I cannot abstract them from experience. Roa is know as we move along the way. A guiding, holy presence moves our experience along a path that we often give the name ‘journey.’ Alethia exposes truth by revealing the Holy in the midst of living. Zoe manifests herself within the specificity of living beings – something like the élan vital the philosopher Bergson wrote about. Each remain present as a sustaining process yet embedded in experience. Or so it seems to me.

Friday, December 09, 2005

First Thought

I believe that adult theological learning supports a person's relationship with the theological liberal arts so they increase their capacity to bridge the gap between truth and practice. Such learning leads to wisdom born of a combination of truth and love.

So I think that adult theological learning supports a person's relationship with God and expands a person's capacity to love and know God as they seek ways to serve the world in Christ's name.

How does your learning support serving the world in Christ's name?